Sunnat Of Drinking
^ ^ ^ Sunnat Of Drinking ^ ^ ^
1. To sit and drink. (Sahih al-Bukhari Hadith6452 and Sahih Muslim Hadith5242, 5247). Zamzam water and left over water in the utensil used for Wudhu are excluded from this.
2. To drink with the right hand.…

SALAAT-A L HAAJAH (The salaat of Need)
The principle concerning matters of worship is tawqeef [i.e., following what is in the Qur’aan and saheeh Sunnah; with no room for individual opinion]. And we cannot say that any act of worship is prescribed unless there is saheeh evidence.

Kindness Pays Back
Kindness Surely Pays Back
There once was a little boy called Hassan who lived in a small village in Pakistan. Hassan’s family were poor and they just about had enough to make ends meet. To help the family Hassan used to sell baskets, rope…

Story Of A Young Man With Strong Desires
A young man came to a shaykh and said, “I am a young man with strong desires. I cannot help looking at people when I am in the bazaar(market). What do I do?” The shaykh handed him a cup of milk that was full to the brim, and told him to…

Our Parents And We
Our Parents And We
Pencil: I'm sorry.
Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong.
Pencil: I'm sorry, you get hurt because of me. Whenever I made a mistake, you're always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you…

New York City Never Sleep
They say New York city never sleep.
Question: Have you ever seen Makkah???
INDEED There is No comparison;
New York is a Sin city,
while Makkah is a Soul City..!!
New York never sleeps into pleasing shaitan,
Makkah never sleeps into…