11 Easiest Ways to Enter Paradise (Jannah)
11 Easiest Ways to Enter Paradise (Jannah)
We all want to enter Paradise (Jannah) but are we genuinely striving for it? There are several ways to get the pleasure of Allah Pak and enter His Jannah. Allah has made it easy for His people to…

Etiquettes of Visiting Graveyard in Islam
Etiquettes of Visiting Graveyard in Islam
One of the many things that are recommended by our religion is visiting the graves of our elders, parents and close relatives. Women are also allowed to visit graves of their beloved ones as long…

Mistake People Make When Their Dua Is Answered
Mistake People Make When Their Dua Is Answered
Acceptance of dua is one of the greatest favors from Allah Almighty. So, it is logical for Muslims to thank Him for his bounties and blessings. Unfortunately, it is pretty common for many of…

3 Considerations Which Should Be Kept in Mind for Anger Management Issues
3 Considerations Which Should Be Kept in Mind for Anger Management Issues
Islam puts great emphasis on behavior of human beings. It includes positive outlook in daily routine and attainment of good manners. Entire life of our beloved Prophet…

A Guide for Intending Pilgrims
Hajj is one of the important pillars of religion Islam. It demands clarity of intention (niyyah) and complete surrender before Allah Almighty. It is considered to a stage where Muslims can test their physical and spiritual nature as it requires…

How to perform Istikhara
How to perform Istikhara?
The Muslims all around the world are well aware of the word Istikhara. It refers to seeking goodness from the creator of this entire universe. It guides people to reach a decision they are confused about.…