What Is the Difference Between Praising and Flattering?
Flattering is considered very bad in Islam. We must know that it is permissible to praise people but there are also some conditions for this. We should be careful and never exaggerate or lie in praising. There is a difference between flattering,…

Backbiting is Gravest Sin in Islam
Holy Prophet PBUH said:
“He who stirs enmity among people, by quoting their words to each other, will not enter Paradise.” [Bukhari]
Backbiting Have Become Common Practice
Unfortunately, this is a common social habit nowadays. Rather…

Importance of Mustahab Amaals in Islam
We are usually neglectful in offering mustahab amaals (non-obligatory actions). Our behavior towards it is mostly very negligent. Most of us do not perform these ammals because they are mustahib and not farz on us. We take them lightly because…

What Does Islam Says about Human Rights and Justice?
Islam is the religion with all its teachings and beliefs. It emphasizes on the equal rights and duties of Muslims and even Non-Muslims. Many non-Muslims are accepting Islam because of the best teachings of our religion. Islam stresses more about…