Entries by Ahsan Bilal

4 Ways to Show Solidarity and Respect to Muslims during Ramadan

Ramadan is a precious month in Islamic calendar in which Muslims show their respect for the time for the time in which Allah Almighty revealed his teachings to Holy Prophet PBUH. This month is of huge importance for Muslims all over the world. It is a chance to show appreciation to Allah and escape from […]

2 Great Virtues of Itikaf in Ramadan

Ramadan is the blessed month of innumerable blessings and mercy. From the day this holy month begins, it aims at providing Muslims all over the world the best chance and an opportunity to seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty for their sins. It provides us the way to move closer to Allah SWT.This devotion and we […]

Top 3 Incredible Health Benefits of Fasting in Ramadan

Ramadan is a period of sacrifice, fasting, giving, self-training, and piousness with the hope that these qualities will extend beyond this holy month and stay with us for the whole year. Indeed, the essence of fasting in this holy month is spiritual. It also offers several benefits for both our body and mind. Holy Prophet […]

Ramadan as a Psychological Trainer

The month of Ramadan has been bestowed upon us as bundle of blessings which not only benefits our body but mind and soul as well. We are well aware of the physical benefits we get from fasting but we need to know some of the psychological benefits of fasting as well which eventually will turn […]

3 Tips for Your Fitness Program in Ramadan

Millions of Muslims all over the world will observe the Ramadan next month in July. It comes during the ninth lunar cycle of Islamic calendar. This holiest month is definitely very essential for its religious virtues as it celebrates the occasion when HazratJibrail revealed the first verses of Quranto Holy Prophet PBUH. It is expected […]

How to spend time wisely in Ramadan

The religion of Islam put great emphasis on living a purposeful and influential life. It also focuses on the importance of time and expects that Muslims will spend every minute of it to please Allah Almighty. Importance of time enhances when the month of Ramadan starts. This is because human beings are immortal and there […]