Entries by Ahsan Bilal


History and meaning of Ashura

History and meaning of Ashura. Muharram, the first month of the Muslim year holds enormous importance for Muslims all around the world. This month provides an opportunity to Muslims to reconnect with past that will always be present for them. This is the triumph of justice from tyranny. It is a date which celebrates the […]


Why do bad things happen

WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN? QURAN’S PERSPECTIVE      General observation says that the average Muslim is confused so much about this particular issue that has to do with our faith because it comes up in our casual conversation quite frequently. And it is something that a lot of people get hurt by because they don’t understand […]

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Status of Parents in Islam

  Parents have been given an honorable status in all societies and religions. We are indebted to our parents for everything they have done for us, especially our mother. She goes through awful pain and suffering to bring us in this world. She loves us immensely even before we have a physical existence. She is […]