Entries by Ahsan Bilal

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Holy Quran, A Guideline For Muslims.

The Holy Quran is the accurate word of Almighty Allah, graciously revealed to our Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). Al-Quran is the everlasting miracle. It is sent by Allah (SWT) for the guidance of mankind. The unchallengeable authority of the Quran is because it has never been changed and has been in its original form […]

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Women In Quran and Sunnah

As we all know that the Islamic religion doesn’t differentiate between men and women as far as their connection with Allah Almighty is concerned, as both women and men are guaranteed the same reward for their good deeds and same punishment for their bad deeds. The Quran says: “And for women are rights over men […]

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Surah al Baqrah Verse’s 285

Anyone who comes to know the importance of the last two verses 285-286 of Surah al Baqrah would never go to sleep without reciting them. There are lots of great merits which have been attributed to these two verses as Holy Prophet (PBUH) once said that one who recites these two verses during the night, […]