
Wadaif for 7th Ramadan

  After Fajar Prayers: YA KAREEMOO-133Times After Zuhar Prayers: FIFTH KALIMA-2Times After Asar Prayers: SURAH FATIHA-40Times After Maghrib Prayers: THIRD KALIMA- 70Times After Isha Prayers: SALAAT.UT.TASBEEH-4Rakat…

Types Of Shirk

There are two main types if Shirk Shirk in entity Shirk in Attributes   Shirk in entity: It means considering any one as GOD. Except Almighty Allah. He is the only one to be worshipped, if any one worships other than Allah, then…

Do you Know About Shirk ?

  What is the Meaning of Shirk? it Means a partnership or to share or associate. In Islam it means that Worshipping any other body, except Allah is Shirk. Allah Almighty Said in Quran Pak. that "I did not create the Jinn[1]…

Wadaif for 6th Ramadan

After Fajar Prayers: SURAH AL.IMRAN-VERSE 26-  21Times After Zuhar Prayers: DUAE RIZQ- 17Times After Asar Prayers: SURAH TALAQ- VERSE 2- 17Times After Maghrib Prayers: AYAT UL KURSI- 25Times After Isha Prayers: DUAE RIZQ-…

Wadaif for 5th Ramadan

After Fajar Prayers: NAMES OF ALLAH (SWT)- 3Times After Zuhar Prayers: DUAE.KARB OR SORROW (1*) -17Times After Asar Prayers: SURAH MULK (29th Chapter, Surah: 67)-2Times After Maghrib Prayers: DUAE MAGHFIRAT (2*)- 2Tasbeeh After Isha…

8 Important Things For Zakat Obligations

    If Any Non Muslim Comes in the circle of ISLAM. He/she will not asked to give Zakat for that period, that he spent as a non Muslim. For Zakat a person Must be Muslim Adult Person He/She is Not Slave Owner…