
Share your Iftar this Ramadan

Feed the Needy The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Whoever feeds a person breaking his fast will earn the same reward as him, without anything being lessened from the reward of the fasting person’. Share your Iftar this Ramadan [Tirmidhi] This…
All Your Ramadan Questions Answered.

All Your Ramadan Questions Answered.

If you have one thing particular you're searching for, feel free to bypass in advance! Right here are actually the sections our team've split this write-up right into: All Your Ramadan Questions Answered. General questions regarding the month…

The Reward of Fasting in Islam

Along with lower than one month left behind up until Ramadan, it's time to start organizing this blessed month! Usually, when our company speak about preparing yourself for Ramadan, our company think about tips for increasing our good deeds,…
Ramadan Rewards

Ramadan Rewards: The Importance of Giving Iftar

Ramadan is merely a full week and a half away, and most of our company have actually started investigating healthy Iftar recipes, planning our Ramadan 'ibadah regimen, as well as getting our minds, centers and also bodies gotten ready for this…

The Benefits of Sha’ban

Sha’ban has always been a ‘neglected month’, since it is overshadowed by the significant months of Rajab and Ramadan. However, Sha’ban is packed with opportunities to maximise our good deeds and draw closer to the Prophet (saw) by sending…

The 15th of Sha’ ban – A Night for Asking Forgiveness

Note: This miracle took place on one of the middle nights of Sha’ban i.e. the 13th, 14th or 15th night. The 15th of Sha' ban - A Night for Asking Forgiveness. Saturday 27th March 2021 (at Maghrib) will mark the night of 15th Sha’ban, also…