Importance of first ten days ( first Ashra) in Ramadan
Importance of first ten days ( first Ashra) in Ramadan
Keywords: Ramadan, First Ashra, Mercy, Holy Quran
The month of Ramadan is a month in which Allah multiplies our good deeds, expunge our sins and raise the ranks. The month of Ramadan…

How many rakaats should be offered in Taraweeh
How many rakaats should be offered in Taraweeh?
Taraweeh is an Arabic word signifies night prayers in the Holy month of Ramadan. The Taraweeh Prayer is an emphasized Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and there is an extraordinary…

Importance of Prayers during Ramadan
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar and is observed by Muslims globally. It is a month of Fasting to honor the first revelation of Quran on Muhammad (PBUH). It is a month of worship, spirituality and increased and improved dedication.…

Best Times to Make Dua
There are certain times Dua is more likely to be accepted by Allah (SWT) as mentioned by Prophet
(pbuh). Some of these times are as follows:
The Prophet (pbuh) said: "When it is the last third of the night,…

Information Regarding Shab e Miraaj
The Muslims every year on (Rajab-ul-Mirajab 26) the night of 27th of Rajab (Islamic calendar), observe Shab-e-Miraj in which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) went on a special journey to meet Allah Almighty, crossing seven skies on the heavenly…

Muslim Women Hijaab
Hijab for Muslim Women is a covering for care of chastity and an identity card to pronounce their respect for the laws of their Almighty Allah. It frees them from being valued for their looks, or body shape rather than their minds and intellect.