To Recite Durood Before And After Adhan
1. Some individuals point out that it is actually Bid'ah (innovation) to check out the Durood Shareef just before and also after the Azaan. To Recite Durood Before And After Adhan.
2. The Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama'at feels that it is actually…

How To Perform Ghusl?
On five occasions the Ghusl is Fard. How To Perform Ghusl?
1) Release of semen along with pleasure. If leapt coming from a higher location or elevated much heavier stuff which triggered semen to release, Ghusl is actually not wajib…

How to Perfrom Salaat?
Note 1: Sisters must read our "Difference between Men's and Women's Salah" article to make adjustments in their Salah as there is some differences in Salah between Men and Women. How to Perfrom Salaat?
Note 2: When you are asked to 'Say'…

Great Islamic personalities
Eight distinctive qualities of Imam Abu Hanifah رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه
Eponymous founder of the largest Islamic school of thought today and Imam to hundreds of millions of adherents across the globe, the Greatest…

The 15th of Sha’ ban – A Night for Asking Forgiveness
Note: This miracle took place on one of the middle nights of Sha’ban i.e. the 13th, 14th or 15th night. The 15th of Sha' ban - A Night for Asking Forgiveness.
Saturday 27th March 2021 (at Maghrib) will mark the night of 15th Sha’ban, also…

Messengers of Death
Everyday life is actually a depend on coming from Allah عَزَّوَجَلَّ which is actually progressively or suddenly overpowered by death. Every soul will must travel through the door of death. The amount of time of death is actually…