4 Easy Tips for Happy Life in Islam
There are following factors which you can consider as Easy Tips for Happy Life in Islam as it is stated in Holy Quran that:
“The most content people in the world are those who have the best link with their Maker”
Many of us look for…

Cursing is not allowed in Islam as it is the biggest dangers of the tongue. Many people take it very lightly and hence curse their friends, children and those who contradict their views.Cursing in not allowed in Islam due to many reasons.…

2 Productive Ways of Charity
Being Muslims, we know that Zakat (charity) is the third pillar of Islam. Of all other pillars, this one is a teaching in itself. As Islam is the religion of peace and equality it is our moral responsibility to be charitable for those who are…

Why religious education has an important role to play in our society
Why religious education has an important role to play in our society
Religious education is important for the students as it is linked with social, cultural and spiritual knowledge and these lessons prepared students for responsibilities, experiences…

What Is the Difference Between Praising and Flattering?
Flattering is considered very bad in Islam. We must know that it is permissible to praise people but there are also some conditions for this. We should be careful and never exaggerate or lie in praising. There is a difference between flattering,…

Backbiting is Gravest Sin in Islam
Holy Prophet PBUH said:
“He who stirs enmity among people, by quoting their words to each other, will not enter Paradise.” [Bukhari]
Backbiting Have Become Common Practice
Unfortunately, this is a common social habit nowadays. Rather…