A Guide for Intending Pilgrims
Hajj is one of the important pillars of religion Islam. It demands clarity of intention (niyyah) and complete surrender before Allah Almighty. It is considered to a stage where Muslims can test their physical and spiritual nature as it requires…

Who was Muhammad S.A.W
Who was Muhammad S.A.W
Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) was the last messenger and true preacher of Islam. He was born in the house of noble tribe, in the holy city of Saudi Arabia, Makkah. His birth year…

Importance of Shukar (Gratitute) In Islam
What is the Importance of Shukar (Gratitute) In Islam?
Gratitude (shukar) is about expressing appreciation and thanks to those who do any favor to us. Of course, none can come close to our creator, Allah who gave us each and everything.…

Dealing With The Guilt Of Sin
Dealing With The Guilt Of Sin
We all commit sins at some point in our lives. Whether bit be small or big, it happens. None of us is perfect. And feeling guilty for that is natural and ia actually a blessing, because some hearts have…

Backbiting – A moral evil of society
Backbiting - A moral evil of society.
Backbiting, also known as Gheebah in Arabic, means mentioning something about a person, behind his back, which he will hate if mentioned in his presence. It can be about his physical appearance,…

Islam and Honesty
Islam and Honesty
In simple words, Honesty implies saying the truth in every case whatever the conditions maybe. It implies the fulfillment of promises whether written or given orally. Doing one’s work as sincerely as possible and…