Hadiths About Blessings of Ramadan
Several Muslims around the world like to know and know the Prophet's (S.A.W.) Hadiths regarding the blessed month of Ramadan. Discovering these Hadiths will definitely make a believer much more enthusiastic and enthusiastic to bring in most…

Importance of 2nd Ashra of Ramadan
2nd Ashra Dua:
“Astaghfirullaha Rabbi Min Kulli Zambin Wa Atoobu Ilaih.”
I seek Allah’s forgiveness for all my sins, Who is Lord, and I ask for repentance.
In the month of Ramadan, where some people try to obtain better world…

Etiquettes of Visiting Graveyard in Islam
Etiquettes of Visiting Graveyard in Islam
One of the many things that are recommended by our religion is visiting the graves of our elders, parents and close relatives. Women are also allowed to visit graves of their beloved ones as long…

Who was Muhammad S.A.W
Who was Muhammad S.A.W
Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) was the last messenger and true preacher of Islam. He was born in the house of noble tribe, in the holy city of Saudi Arabia, Makkah. His birth year…

Importance of Shukar (Gratitute) In Islam
What is the Importance of Shukar (Gratitute) In Islam?
Gratitude (shukar) is about expressing appreciation and thanks to those who do any favor to us. Of course, none can come close to our creator, Allah who gave us each and everything.…

Tips to Help a Child Get Used to Fasting
Tips to Help a Child Get Used to Fasting
A kid before the age of puberty is not particularly amongst the circle of people who will be held accountable for fasting in accordance with sharee’ah. But the great Allah Almighty has enjoined parents…