

Cursing is not allowed in Islam as it is the  biggest dangers of the tongue. Many people take it very lightly and hence curse their friends, children and those who contradict their views.Cursing in not allowed in Islam due to many reasons.…

2 Productive Ways of Charity

Being Muslims, we know that Zakat (charity) is the third pillar of Islam. Of all other pillars, this one is a teaching in itself. As Islam is the religion of peace and equality it is our moral responsibility to be charitable for those who are…

Why religious education has an important role to play in our society

Why religious education has an important role to play in our society Religious education is important for the students as it is linked with social, cultural and spiritual knowledge and these lessons prepared students for responsibilities, experiences…
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Special Deeds of Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Ramadan

Special Deeds of Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Ramadan Ramadan is one of those Islamic months which has supreme importance and is considered sacred. On its arrival, Muslims of the whole world make special preparations and arrangements. This month…
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2 best Workout tips for Ramadan

Ramadan is that Islamic month in which Muslims have to change their habits, routine and lifestyle. Their first instinct is to observe this holy month with proper Islamic rituals and religious sentiment. Ramadan is not only about fasting. Muslims…
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Importance of 2nd Ashra of Ramadan

2nd Ashra Dua: “Astaghfirullaha Rabbi Min Kulli Zambin Wa Atoobu Ilaih.” I seek Allah’s forgiveness for all my sins, Who is Lord, and I ask for repentance. In the month of Ramadan, where some people try to obtain better world…