Caste System, Regarding Relations in Islam
As a Muslim society we are not following Islam. In case of marriages of Muslims men and women we prefer castes, and do not give value to humanity and do not see the taqwa in the person. Our ultimate and first priority is Caste. The caste should…

Tips to Help a Child Get Used to Fasting
Tips to Help a Child Get Used to Fasting
A kid before the age of puberty is not particularly amongst the circle of people who will be held accountable for fasting in accordance with sharee’ah. But the great Allah Almighty has enjoined parents…

Backbiting – A moral evil of society
Backbiting - A moral evil of society.
Backbiting, also known as Gheebah in Arabic, means mentioning something about a person, behind his back, which he will hate if mentioned in his presence. It can be about his physical appearance,…

Islam and Honesty
Islam and Honesty
In simple words, Honesty implies saying the truth in every case whatever the conditions maybe. It implies the fulfillment of promises whether written or given orally. Doing one’s work as sincerely as possible and…

Islamic view of Racism
Islamic view of Racism
Individuals that have the same physical characteristics and have a similar genetic pattern are normally classified as a race and categorizing people by race is inappropriate. Some people who are serious about…

Four Important Qualities of a Momin
Four Important Qualities of a Momin
Usually according to Islamic point of view, Momin is a term used for Muslim. In a hadith, it was once asked from Prophet Muhammad PBUH that ‘How will I know that I have become a Momin? Prophet Muhammad…