Busting the Top 3 Myths About Islam
Busting the Top 3 Myths About Islam
Islam is a religion of peace, prosperity, humanity, equality and spirituality.
Many people around the globe, however, have misconception relating to the principles and teachings of Islam. Some Muslims…

Why Muslims Need to Pray
Praying is really important in Muslims life. We have to remember that the first thing Allah (SWT) is going to ask you is ‘Did you pray?. Even our prophet (PBUH) prayed 5 times a day, made long qiyyamahs while he…

Benefits of Dates
Benefits of Dates
There are some fruits and vegetables that were consumed by Holy prophet PBUH in excess. Date is one those fruits that Hazrat Muhammad loved and used in his daily routine. Its usage increases especially in the month of Ramadan.…

Golden Period Of Muslims and Islam
Islam is the youngest of all religions that ever existed. It emerged on the world globe during 622 CE when Holy prophet PBUH migrated from Makkah to Madina along with his companions and followers.
With the establishment of Baghdad city and…

Islam Beyond Five Pillars
People at the initial stage of learning Islam are told about the five basic and important pillars of this religion. These pillars are Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawm and Hajj. Though these pillars set the base line of Islam but there are…

Sighting of Moon and concept of Eid
The holy month for Muslims begins after the sighting of the moon and the witnesses check the genuineness of the moon sighting. The Muslims consider moon sighting really important especially during Ramadan and Eid. Universal moon sighting…