The Seriousness Of Jummah In Islam
For the vast majority, Friday speaks to the start of the weekend. To Muslims, on the other hand, Fridays mean much more. In the Islamic connection, Friday or Jummah is the heavenly day. Not only Friday is a holy day for the Muslims on which…

Surah Al-Fatihah, The Best Surah Of Holy Book.
For a Muslim every single expression of the Quran is extremely valuable and for him or her there is nothing more commendable than what Quran has in it for their survival in this world. Muslims from a very young age figure out how to read the…

The Journey After death In The Light Of Islam.
The subject of life after death has constantly fomented the minds of individuals of all religions and all ages alike. Everybody is terrified of dying and rightly so. The vulnerability of what lies after we are dead is alarming. Of all other…

Importance Of Ayat al Qursi
Ayat ul Qursi explains that All Almighty is eternal, imperishable, Self Sustaining and Self-Subsisting. In essence, He is always alert and awake or else the Universe will cease to exist. He doesn’t feel boredom as He takes great interest in…

Seeking The Best Refuge – Mu’awadhatain
In his Sahih, Muslim recorded on the authority of ‘Uqbah bin ‘Amir that the Messenger of Allah said, “Do you not see that there have been verses revealed to me tonight the like of which has not been seen before. They are (Surah Al-Falaq…

Explantion Of 5th Verse Of Surah Yaseen
We all want indefinite and long lasting success and happiness in our lives but regrettably we try to find it in this world which is not a permanent place and where it is not meant to be. The life in this world is only a trial for us and the…