Important Points For Ramazan
There are important points to understand while fasting the month of Ramadan in order to take the maximum benefit from the wisdom and teachings we gain in this blessed month, in which Allah sent down His last revelation, the Quran.

Doomsday Is Approaching Fast
Science Says, Doomsday is Fast Approaching
Judgment day is usually known as a doomsday of the world. It’s the day when Almighty Allah will bring the demise of this universe and each and every person will going to be answerable to his…

Hijab for Muslim Women
Why Hijab for Muslim Women?
For Muslim Women Hijab is a protecting for proper care of purity and is an identification to articulate their regard for the laws and regulations of their Almighty Allah. It makes them liberal from being appreciated…

Why Always Me Me & Me
Why am I always being tested? Why is life so hard? Why don't I ever get this or that? Why? Why?
I am always asking: Why was I tested?
Quran answers: “Do men think that they will be left alone saying, ’We believe’, and that they will…

Allah, You & The World
And then Allah will try to snatch you from this dunya. He will try to wash your heart in order to make it pure, by giving you either minor or major pains but you must know, the purpose of this pain will be to make you realize that…

Characteristics Of Prophets
1. "Messenger" or "Rasool" means he who delivers the Message from Allah Ta'ala to the servants.
2. A "Prophet" is he who been given the "Wahi" (Revelation, a Message from Allah Ta'ala) for the assistance of mankind to show people the…