Who’s Body Can’t Be Eaten By The Soil
1. The Prophets, the Awliya (Friends of Allah Ta'ala), the Shuhada (Martyrs), a Hafiz of the Quran who also acts upon the guidance of the Holy Quran, a person who has never fully commited a sin and those who pray the Durood Shareef at all…

Journey After Burial
1. After funeral, the grave tightens up and presses the dead.
2. It presses the Muslim like a mother holds a child. It presses the Kaafir (infidel) to the extent of smashing them, like the left side bones end up on the right side.

Death , Grave & Human
1. It is a well-known truth that everyone has to taste death. Allah Ta'ala says in the Holy Quran:
"Every soul will have the taste of death". (3:185)
2. The time of death is predetermined for everyone. Every single person's…

Holy Prophet MUHAMMAD (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam) Is Alive
1. Some people do not agree to the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) to be alive. They say that he is lifeless and mixed with the soil. Allah forbid!
2. The Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama'at considers that the…

Holy Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihi Wasallam) Is Noor
1. Some people think that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) is only a human being and not Noor (light). They say so dependent on the explanation that the Holy Prophet (sallal…

To Read Durood Before and After Azaan
Some persons say that it is Bidah (innovation) to go through the Durud Sharif before & after the Azaan.
The Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama'at considers that it is allowable to read the Durud Sharif before & after the Azaan. This…