
Responsibility Of Muslim

Allah Almighty Says: “Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms…

Rights Of Parents

MY DEAR ISLAMIC BROTHERS IN THE LAWS OF SHARIAH THERE ARE (2) TYPES RIGHTS     1)- Huqooq-Ullah (Rights of Allah Almighty) 2)- Huqooq-ul-Ibaad (Rights of People)   Amongst the rights of people, the most important…

Sarah: Abraham’s First Wife

Sarah: Abraham's First Wife Sarah was the only woman of Ibrahim's people to believe in Allah. She afterwards became his wife. She stood by her husband all the time when calling his people to Allah. When Ibrahim realized that no other than…

Hazrat Abu Hurayrah

Hazrat Abu Hurayrah "An Abi Hurayrata, radiyallahu anhu, qal.' qala rasul Allahi, sallallahu alayhi wa sailam..." Through this phrase millions of Muslims from the early history of Islam to the present have come to be familiar with the…

Who Is ALLAH Almighty?

  People hurt you, Allah will heal you. ♥ People humiliate you, Allah will magnify you. ♥ People judge you, Allah will justify you. ♥ all we need to do is to have patience faith and trust ALLAH!