How New Muslim Observe First Fast in Ramadan?
With just few days left until the first day of Ramadan, Muslims all over the world are preparing themselves for this Holy month. Although Ramadan is not the beginning or end of Islamic calendar but it is surely a best time to bring change in…

4 Simple Steps to Prepare you for Ramadan
Many of us have been counting days remaining up to the blessed month of Ramadan. For a true believer, only the name of this holy month gives the thought of reward, joy and a feeling of Allah Almighty's mercy. Truly, we should wait anxiously…

Special Deeds of Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Ramadan
Special Deeds of Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Ramadan
Ramadan is one of those Islamic months which has supreme importance and is considered sacred. On its arrival, Muslims of the whole world make special preparations and arrangements. This month…

2 best Workout tips for Ramadan
Ramadan is that Islamic month in which Muslims have to change their habits, routine and lifestyle. Their first instinct is to observe this holy month with proper Islamic rituals and religious sentiment. Ramadan is not only about fasting. Muslims…

Importance of 2nd Ashra of Ramadan
2nd Ashra Dua:
“Astaghfirullaha Rabbi Min Kulli Zambin Wa Atoobu Ilaih.”
I seek Allah’s forgiveness for all my sins, Who is Lord, and I ask for repentance.
In the month of Ramadan, where some people try to obtain better world…