Quran o Sunnat

Dua e Istikhara


Dua e Istikhara

Istikhara” means to seek goodness from Allah (Exalted is He), meaning when one intends to do an important task they do istikhara before the task. Istakhara is done when you are puzzled to initiate in any project, like you want to start new business, you want to take decision about marriage of your daughter, son, of your own, you want to take decision to go abroad, or what ever you want to do, just go for Istakhara, and you will be guided for best …



Way To Perform 

First pray Two Cycles (raka’) of ritual Prayer (nafil) such that in the first raka’ after Surah Fatiha (Allhamd…) recite Surah al-Kafirun (Chapter 109) and in the second raka’ after Fatiha (Allhamd…) recite Surah al-Ikhlas (Chapter 112). After finishing prayer recite this (supplication/dua’): Dua in Arabic Text above.

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