Quran o Sunnat

Significant knowledge about Muslim Year

Significant knowledge about Muslim Year

Islamic calendar holds a lot of importance for the entire Muslim world. Muslim kids grow up listening to the stories, massive events and great wars of each month. In western culture it is commonly abbreviated and used as AH, which comes from Anno Hegirae. Often called as Hijra calendar, it marked the foundation of first Islamic state. At that point it was a great achievement and the most renowned event of world history.

For Muslims this calendar is much more than time track system of remembering historical events. It carries much deeper religious and spiritual affection. Unlike the solar calendar, the Islamic calendar is formulated purely on lunar structure. In contrast to Gregorian year, the Islamic year is 11 days shorter. All of the events and festivals in Islamic calendar are not linked to the changing seasons but to the solar cycle. This implies that major Muslims occasions which lie under the umbrella of Hijra month will occur in distinctive seasons. Like Gregorian calendar, it also has 12 months.

Islamic year is an indication and remembrance of the precious glory and infinite sacrifices of prophets, Muslims and caliphs. The most notable events of Holy Prophet PBUH life have been clearly quoted in the Hijra calendar. Even the ones that took place when Allah’s last messenger departed from this world are also included in it. But recently it has been seen that Gregorian calendar, its occasions, festivals and events have kept young Muslims and even adults away from the glorifying stories of success of early time Muslims.

A complete chronological study of past Islamic events is possible only by the adoption of Hijri calendar. This complete adoption would help Muslims in cherishing their real leaders and hero’s traditions.  For religious reasons, the beginning of Islamic month is marked not by the start of a new moon, but by a physical (an actual human) sighting of the crescent moon at a given locale. There are countless notable events that must be remembered by each young and adult because of their greatness and importance.  The list starts from




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