Tag Archive for: ramzan

10 Ways To Bring The Masjid To Your House This Ramadan
Hearts are actually hefty this Ramadan. Eyes are actually overflowing with rips. Minds are still in a state of denial.
For some, there are way too many feelings to make sense of this unprecedented Ramadan. Turndown. Deprival. Anger. Stress.…

Tips to Help a Child Get Used to Fasting
Tips to Help a Child Get Used to Fasting
A kid before the age of puberty is not particularly amongst the circle of people who will be held accountable for fasting in accordance with sharee’ah. But the great Allah Almighty has enjoined parents…

RAMADAN, A Short Biography
The whole life of a Muslim revolves around the five pillars of Islam. Faith or belief in the oneness of Allah, offering prayer five times a day, giving zakat to the needy, fasting during the month of Ramadan and pilgrimage to Makkah once in…