The Role Of The Holy Quran In Daily Muslim Life

You might be questioned about the role of the Holy Quran in daily Muslim life. Let’s explore it in detail today.

The Holy Quran, a divine book from Allah Almighty, is a spiritual guide for human life, both Muslims and non-Muslims, over the globe at all times. Quranic teachings are universal. One’s soul is enlightened by implementing these teachings in life. Not only the soul but the path leading to the hereafter is also broadened and eased.

We find Prophet Muhammad’s PBUH life as a role model as he exemplified the Quran’s values practically, thus explaining to us the role of the Quran in shaping the character and behaviour of Muslims.

Role of the Quran in daily Muslim life

The importance of the Quran in our daily life is clearly mentioned in the following verse: We have sent down a sacred Book for your benefit. Obey its teachings and remember Allah, so that you may attain His mercy. (Al-An’am 155)

Holy Quran not only impacts Muslim’s life but it is equally important for all the religions in the world. The teachings of the holy Qur’an, if followed accurately and punctuality impact everyday life by bringing peace, joy and comfort. Also it saves us from negative acts like taking drugs, consuming alcohol, gambling, adultery, greed, jealousy, back-biting and arrogance.

Holy Quran in Daily Muslim Life

Our Prophet’s life is the best example for us as he followed all what is mentioned in the Holy Quran. It is stated that Yazid ibn Yabnus said, “We went to Hazrat Ayesha (R.A.) and said, ‘Umm al-Mu’minin, what was the character of the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH) like?’ She said, ‘His character was the Holy Quran.” Moreover, enjoy all the benefits of the holy Quran, in almost every field of your life, via various supplications. You can read more supplications here.

Let’s see how the Holy Quran impacts our daily life and changes our lives for the better

Moral, Social, and Spiritual Values

It is the Qur’an which guides us, how to live in peace and harmony with others including our relatives and friends. Also it protects us from the traps of an unconstrained lifestyle. Moreover, the Quran contains a complete guide to life, following which we can totally reform our lives no matter at which stage or age of our life we are.


The Quran has explained the importance of marriage and has shown the importance of this relationship in human life. From the Quran we came to know that marriage is based on mercy, love, care, compassion, understanding, intimacy, respect and affection. Allah stated In the Quran “Your spouse is a garment for you as you are for him/her.” (Quran, 2:187)

He created you from a single soul, and then He made from it its mate, so that you may find comfort in her. (Quran 7:189)

Guidance for children

The Quran mentions the importance of parents for children. Allah said ” Worship Allah alone and do not associate any partners with Him. Show kindness and respect towards your parents [Surah An-Nisa 4:36].

It is emphasized that if one or both of them reach an old age in your care, never even say to them ‘ugh,’ nor yell at them. In fact, talk to them respectfully.

At another place, He said: And be humble with them out of mercy, and pray, “My Lord! B Have mercy upon them as they raised me, with mercy, when I was young” [Surah Al-Isra: 24]

Guidance for parents

As the Quran guides children, it also has some rules for parents to follow during the upbringing of their children. Allah said, “The child’s father will provide reasonable maintenance and clothing for the mother and children during that period”. Furthermore, Allah stated:

Those who have faith, ensure the safety of yourselves and your families from a Fire fed by people and stones. [Quran, 66:6]

Increase your earnings and savings

Beside daily life matters, the Quran even provides Muslims some tips to increase earnings and savings in simple and easy ways. In the Quran Allah said: “ When the prayer ends, disperse in the land and strive to seek the blessings of Allah. Remember Allah frequently to achieve success.” [Al-Jumu’ah, 10]

Be kind and merciful

Our Prophet (PBUH) was instructed to be kind and merciful with all people including disbelievers. Allah said ” It is just because of Allah’s blessing that you were polite with them. If you would be hard-hearted or cruel, they would have certainly abandoned you. [Al-Imran, 159]

So pardon them, ask for Allah’s forgiveness for them, and consult with them in conducting matters. Put your trust in Allah,  once you make a decision for Allah loves those who put their trust in Him.

Healing Body and Soul

One of the major benefits of reciting the Holy Quran is getting your body and soul healed, you can enjoy this benefit if you have firm belief and have a good heart. Allah the Almighty, says in the Quran: We send down the Quran as a means of healing and mercy for the believers, while it only leads the wrongdoers to further loss. [Quran, 17: 82]

How Much Quran Should You Read Daily?

There is no specific portion of the holy Quran, to recite daily, announced in Islam. Islam is an easy religion and also prioritises ease for others. You can read Quran according to your capacity.

However, according to our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) we should complete one Quran in a month. Also the maximum portion that the Muslim should not exceed is three days for the whole Quran.


To sum up, after knowing the role of the Holy Quran in daily Muslim life and its benefits for your soul, heart, and faith, it’s time to initiate your enriching journey with this Holy book of Allah SWT. Strengthen your relationship with the Quran no matter what your age, country or current level is.

The holy Quran provides us with guidance, encourages us to be kind and a good human being, and above all blesses us with the spiritual nourishment which we all need for our peaceful mind and body. We can be a better person and also play our role in the betterment of our society and also make the world a better place to live in if we follow and practise the teachings of the Quran.

Author Bio

Rafia Tahir is a SEO content writer who specializes in Islamic content. Her expertise not only enhances search engine visibility but also brings a rich cultural perspective to her writing.