There are two main types if Shirk
- Shirk in entity
- Shirk in Attributes
Shirk in entity:
It means considering any one as GOD. Except Almighty Allah. He is the only one to be worshipped, if any one worships other than Allah, then the person is Comitting Shirk named as Shirk in entity
Shirk in Attributes:
If some one tries to relate the attributes of Almighty Allah with any other then the person is committing Shirk named as Shirk in Attributes.
Some Attributes like Listening, hearing and watching are seemed to be common in Alla and an ordinary Human.
Any one can question for this, that these are also the attribute of a human, so it means that it is shirk to think like that.
But there is a difference in both side.
Allah Almighty have blessed us with these attributes, we the Human are dependent on Allah , it is in the authority of Allah Almighty , either he grant us this blessing to us or not. But in case of Allah Almighty , he is not dependent on any one. these attributes are in the possession of Almighty Allah from the beginning.
Same in case of Hazrat Muhammad Sallalahu Alahi wasallam, Allah have blessed Prophet PBUH with thses attributes. but same answer in this comment is that, Allah Almighty have blessed us with these attributes, we the Human are dependent on Allah , it is in the authority of Allah Almighty , either he grant us this blessing to us or not. But in case of Allah Almighty , he is not dependent on any one. these attributes are in the possession of Almighty Allah from the beginning.